Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Top Entrepreneurs Under 30

For Young Entrepreneurs, Safety in Numbers

Despite the economic gloom and doom, the honorees on this year's 30 Under 30 list are building wildly successful ventures with the help of their peers, parents, professors, and patrons. Why enlisting these loyal tribes of support has become so important in the start-up world -- and how the smartest companies foster that same loyalty among their customers.

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Getting By with a Little Help from Their Friends
By our count, about two-thirds of young entrepreneurs enlist partners to start their companies. More and more, it seems, they're content having many people wear many different hats, rather than trying to go it alone. So what's the downside?

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Who's Next
Keep an eye on these eight rising stars. They are transforming the Web, empowering other start-ups, and turning your conference room into one big whiteboard. A sneak preview of the latest generation of ambitious entrepreneurs.

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The Upstarts Are Coming!
Entrepreneurs seem to be getting younger and younger. But why? And how big an impact are they having on the future of the U.S. economy? The new book,Upstarts! How GenY Entrepreneurs Are Rocking the World of Business and 8 Ways You Can Profit From Their Success, attempts to answer those very questions. An excerpt.

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