Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How Come NO BODY Told me about this!!

I am both happy and angry about this:

VentureLoop connects. Our products and services connect startups, talent, entrepreneurs and resources. We create long-term relationships with venture capital firms, entrepreneurial individuals and service providers to develop a valuable pool of relationship capital for our startup customers.

Founded in 1999, VentureLoop is the worldwide leader in job postings focused on venture-backed startup companies. Many of the job postings found on VentureLoop cannot be found on any other job board.

Go Venture Loop.

How I found out about it. Called a UofT Alumni. Put me in contact with a Controller at Digital Chocolate. Called him. He told me Sequoia Capital has jobs listed. Out of curiosity, I investigate by deleting everything after And I finally find out about Venture Loop. Now that's a big loop!

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