Wednesday, April 9, 2008

UK Web2.0 Startup Tech Events from Techcrunch UK

A post from Techcrunch UK

Events news

April 7 Mike Butcher


I’m going to start a roughly weekly post about upcoming events I think you should be aware of. As many of them as possible will be relevant to startups, Web 2.0 and getting funding. Most of them will be UK/Ireland but some will be European too. Don’t expect lots of info - I’ll just be putting out links for you to check out. Feel free to send me others you think are relevant (no guarantees I will though). So here we go:

10th April 2008
mashup* Event - Mobile

10th April
Northern StartUp Business
KPMG Manchester

15th April
Web 2.0 - Meeting the policy challenges of user-generated content, social networking and beyond
Sixty One Whitehall, London

16th April
FREE: Business Plans and Essential Basics on How to Present Your Pitch
[Can someone please run one of these in London too? Too many startups still pitch really badly - Ed. Update: Some handy tips and a free seminar]

17-18 April
Future of Web Design

17th April
TMT.Ventures’08 (interesting conf about “New Europe” startups)
Kiev, Ukraine

18th April
ForumOxford: Future Technologies Conference to be held on

21st April
Innovation Reading Circle: Democratising technology

24th April 2008
Open Coffee Belfast

May 7th
Facebook Developer Garage

8th May
STING - Stockholm Innovation and Growth
[Very good event for startups from what I hear]

8-9 May 2008

15th May
The London Investment Marketplace
15 Startups to pitch there

16th May
Going Solo
A conference for independent professionals (read, bloggers, socmedia peeps - here’s a video)
10% discount code: TCUK
Lausanne, Switzerland

21-23 May
Thinking Digital
The Sage, Gateshead (final discount on tickets runs out in two weeks)

24th May

Saturday 31st May - Sunday 1st June
BarCamp London 4

10th June
Being Digital

18-20 June
Manchester, Museum of Science and Industry

8-10 October
Future of Web Apps Expo
ExCeL London

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